How To Get Rid Of Swelling From Wisdom Teeth Removal Fast. Healing, however, takes at least two weeks if all goes well. Angela berkovich included, recommend washing your mouth with salt water or an oral rinse, particularly after eating, to avoid food getting stuck somewhere between your teeth.
It also stimulates the production of saliva, your. After your procedure, your dentist can prescribe you a medrol dose pack, which is essentially steroid tablets that significantly reduce inflammation and swelling in the areas. Drinking plenty of water will help cleanse the mouth and keep the tissues hydrated and more capable of healing quickly.
Another great advice on how to bring down swelling after wisdom teeth removal concerns salt water rinse.
After this, the gauze pad should be removed carefully and discarded. To relieve some discomfort and fight any bacteria, be sure to rinse your mouth with warm salt water every few hours. Looking after the wound properly can help a person to heal. You should use an ice pack wrapped in a paper towel to apply to the wisdom teeth swelling, and you will feel the pain on your jam reduced.